The 75th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Home Economics

Presentation information


口頭発表 » 住居


Sat. May 27, 2023 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM N会場 (14号館146B)

座長:佐々 尚美(武庫川女大)

10:55 AM - 11:10 AM

[2N-08] Research on lighting optimization methods that take into account changes in visual characteristics with age

Comparison of Discomfort Rates of Young and Elderly under Simultaneous Changes in Illuminance and Color Temperature

〇HEO Jaeyoung1, ISHIHARA Maha1, SUZUKI Kei2, INOUE Kairu2, INOUE Yoko3 (1. Nara Women`s University, 2. Shimane University, 3. The Open University of Japan)

Keywords:Visual characteristics, Elderly, Lighting Environment

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