


Presidential Symposium
Cutting edge molecular target therapy for hematologic malignancies

2018年10月12日(金) 15:10 〜 17:20 第1会場 (大阪国際会議場 5F 大ホール)

Chairs: Cortes JE (MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA), Itaru Matsumura (Department of Hematology & Rheumatology, Kindai University Faculty of Medicine, Japan)


Daniel A Pollyea1,2, Brett M Stevens1, Courtney L Jones1, Amanda Winters1, Shanshan Pei1, Mohammad Minhajuddin1, Angelo D'Alessandro1, Rachel Culp-Hill1, Kent A Riemondy1, Austin E Gillen1, Jay R Hesselberth1, Diana Abbott1, Derek Schatz1, Jonathan A Gutman1, Enkhtsetseg Purev1, Clayton Smith1, Craig T Jordan1 (1.Division of Hematology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, United States of America, 2.University of Colorado School of Medicine, Division of Hematology, United States of America)