The 80th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Hematology

Presentation information


Symposium 1 Pathological diagnosis and clinical management of lymphoproliferative disorders and indolent lymphomas in the era of WHO classification 2016

Fri. Oct 12, 2018 9:00 AM - 11:10 AM No.1 (Osaka International Convention Center, 5F Main Hall)

Chairs: Kunihiro Tsukasaki (Department Hematology International Medical Center, Saitama Medical University, Japan), Hirohiko Shibayama (Department of Hematology & Oncology, Osaka University Grad. Sch. of Medicine, Japan)


[SY1-3] SMZL with HCV infection and indolent MCL

Hermine Olivier (Hematology, Paris Descartes University Imagine Institute, France)

Olivier Hermine MD, PhD is a professor of hematology at the University Paris Descartes, head of the clinical department of hematology at the Hospital Necker Enfants-Malades. He is also head of a research group on physiopathology and treatment of hematological disorders at the Imagine Institute. He founded and coordinates the National Reference Center for mastocytosis (CeReMast) and the French network of excellence on red blood cells (Labex Grex). He is president of the scientifc committee of the National institute of blood transfusion. He is a member of EBMT Lymphoma working group, European Mantle cell network, member of the scientific committee and coordinator of the Mantle cell group of the LYSA (French Lymphoma study group). He has been recently nominated as a member of the French Academy of Science. He is co-author of more than 630 publications in International Scientific Journals including NEJM, Lancet, Nature, JCO, Blood, J exp med, Science TM, etc. Overall his research tries to understand and study mechanisms underlying several haematological malignancies and benign hematological disorders, in order to improve therapies and develop targeted therapies. His group deciphered some mechanisms of erythropoiesis regulation leading to new therapeutic approaches of thalassemia and sickle cell diseases. He participates to the development of new therapeutic strategies in various lymphomas including Mantle cell and Virus related lymphoma, in mastocytosis and mast cells related diseases.

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