


Symposium 5 Cancer predisposition and hemato/immunological defect: from children to adults

2018年10月13日(土) 09:00 〜 11:10 第2会場 (大阪国際会議場 5F 小ホール)

Chairs: Shouichi Ohga (Department of Pediatrics, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan), Atsushi Manabe (Department of Pediatrics, St. Luke's International Hospital, Japan)


[SY5-5] 遺伝性リンパ増殖症

金兼 弘和 (東京医科歯科大学 発生発達病態学分野)

1986 MD Medical School, Kanazawa University
1991 PhD Graduate School of Medicine, Kanazawa University
Professional background:
1986 Resident in Pediatrics, Kanazawa University Hospital
1986 Resident in Pediatrics, Ishikawa Prefectural Central Hospital
1991 Medical Staff in Pediatrics, Shinminato City Hospital
1993 Clinical Fellow in Pediatrics, Kanazawa University Hospital
1995 Visiting Fellow in U.S. Food and Drug Administration
1997 Instructor in Pediatrics, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
2001 Assistant Professor in Pediatrics, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University
2005 Assistant Professor in Pediatrics, University of Toyama
2014 Associate Professor in Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Biology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University

パスワードは「第80回日本血液学会学術集会 プログラム抄録集のプログラム検索・スケジュール登録アプリのご案内ページ」に記載してあります。
