


シンポジウム10 骨髄微小環境において骨髄腫細胞表面に発現する新たな治療標的分子

2019年10月13日(日) 14:30 〜 16:40 第1会場 (東京国際フォーラム 4F ホールC)

座長:古川 雄祐(自治医科大学 分子病態治療研究センター 幹細胞制御研究部), 飯田 真介(名古屋市立大学大学院医学研究科血液・腫瘍内科学分野)

[SY10-3] B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA) as a therapeutic target of chimeric antigen receptor T cells

James N Kochenderfer (National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Surgery Branch, United States of America)

James Kochenderfer, M.D. is a Tenure-track Investigator at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Dr. Kochenderfer received his M.D. from West Virginia University and then completed Internal medicine training at Vanderbilt University, a Medical Oncology Fellowship at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and a Hematology Fellowship at Baylor College of Medicine. He then undertook a period of postdoctoral research training in T-cell immunotherapy at the National Cancer Institute. Dr. Kochenderfer’s current position is Investigator at the Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch of the National Cancer Institute. For the past 12 years, Dr. Kochenderfer has focused on chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) research from designing and constructing new CARs to clinical trials. Dr. Kochenderfer designed a novel anti-CD19 CAR and then participated in a clinical trial of this CAR. This clinical trial was the first to demonstrate antigen-specific activity of anti-CD19 CARs in humans. This work in anti-CD19 CAR T cells led to the first Food and Drug Administration-approved CAR T-cell therapy for lymphoma. Dr. Kochenderfer designed the first chimeric antigen receptor targeting B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA). He then led the first clinical trial of T cells expressing an anti-BCMA CAR. Dr. Kochenderfer is currently Principle Investigator of CAR T-cell clinical trials targeting lymphoma, leukemia, and multiple myeloma. He leads a lab that designs new CARs and studies CAR T-cell biology.

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