水文・水資源学会 日本水文科学会2023年度研究発表会

Presentation information



[OP-8] 水災害2

Wed. Sep 6, 2023 10:40 AM - 11:55 AM Oral presentation hall (101(A)(B))

萬 和明(京都大学)

11:40 AM - 11:55 AM

[OP-8-05] Reproducibility of water level forecasting by Rainfall-RUnoff-Inundation model for small-to-medium sized river basins

*Yamamoto Kodai1, Takahiro Sayama1, Akihiko Yamaji1, Kei Nishio2, Minoru Ueda2, Yasuhiko Komatsu2 (1. Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, 2. Section of Sabo Office, Construction and Transportation Department, Kyoto Prefecture)

Keywords:Small-to-medium sized river, Flood forecasting, Rainfall-Runoff-Inundation model, Precipitation forecast

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