水文・水資源学会 日本水文科学会2023年度研究発表会

Presentation information


International Session

[OP-I2] 国際交流セッション2

Mon. Sep 4, 2023 2:10 PM - 4:10 PM Oral presentation hall (101(A)(B))

蔵治 光一郎(東京大学)

3:55 PM - 4:10 PM

[OP-I2-08] Estimation of the largest flood damage in Chinese history: a quantitative comparison of the 1931 and 1954 floods to change historical perceptions

*Chang Liu1, Akiyuki Kawasaki2, Tomoko Shiroyama3 (1. Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, 2. Institute for Future Initiatives, the University of Tokyo, 3. Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo)

Keywords:Flood damage, 1931 Chinese flood, 1954 Chinese flood, RRI/LUCC

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