水文・水資源学会 日本水文科学会2023年度研究発表会

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[PP-P] プロポーズドセッション:社会⽔⽂学ー社会と⽔の相互作⽤と共発展ー

Mon. Sep 4, 2023 5:25 PM - 6:55 PM ポスターC (101(c)/107)

[PP-P-15] Identification of social changes and ELSI resulting from implementation of a long-term flood forecasting system with a participatory approach

*Shinichiro Nakamura1, Kensuke Otsuyama2, Fuko Nakai3, Hiroyoshi Morita4, Tsuyoshi Takano4, Megumi Nabata5, Miki Namba6, Masaomi Kimura7, Ryuma Shineha8, Kei Yoshimura2 (1. Nagoya University, 2. The University of Tokyo, 3. Nagoya Institute of Technology, 4. NIPPON ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS CO., LTD., 5. NPO Partnering to Nurture Community Engawa Design, 6. Kagoshima University, 7. Kinki University, 8. Osaka University)

Keywords:Flood forecasting system, Participatory approach, Workshop, Nagano, Japan

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