Go Haraguchi1, Chieko Mitaka2, Koichi Matsuo3, Takumi Nagao1, Katsuaki Otsuki4, Morimasa Takayama5, Mitsuaki Isobe5 (1.Division of Intensive Care Unit, Sakakibara Heart Institute, Japan, 2.Department of Anesthesiology, Juntendo University Hospital, Japan, 3.Division of Intensive Care Unit, New Tokyo Hospital, Japan, 4.Division of Intensive Care Unit, Tsuchiura Kyodo General Hospital, Japan, 5.Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Sakakibara Heart Institute, Japan)
[TJS4] TSCCM-JSICM Symposium4
Perioperative critical care
2019年3月1日(金) 16:30 〜 17:45 第11会場 (国立京都国際会館1F Room C-2)
Chair:Moritoki Egi(Department of Anesthesiology, Kobe University Hospital, Japan), Sahadol Poonyathawon(Department of Anesthesiology, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Sahadol Poonyathawon (Department of Anesthesiology, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
Kaweesak Chittawatanarat (Department of Surgery, Chiang Mai University, Thailand)
Kiyoyasu Kurahashi (Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, International University of Health & Welfare School of Medicine, Japan)
Kent Doi (Department of Acute Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Japan)