

医師部門 » パネルディスカッション (日韓合同)

パネルディスカッション 1 (日韓合同)小児集中治療/ Pediatric Intensive Care

2014年2月28日(金) 09:40 〜 12:00 第1会場 (国立京都国際会館 1F Main Hall)

座長:Cheung Soo Shin(Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Yonsei University Gangnam Severance Hospital, Korea)、中川聡(国立成育研究医療センター 手術集中治療部)

Recent advancement in Pediatric Critical Care will be discussed in the session. Cardiopulmonary support is the fundamental part of critical care. Four speakers from Japan and Korea, two from each country, will discuss on this aspect of pediatric critical care, including the mortality predictors in pediatric ARDS, treatment strategies in refractory hypoxemia, echocardiography role in pediatric critical care, and cardiovascular management of septic shock. Pediatric Critical Care Service is not solely provided by pediatric intensivists in many Asian countries including Japan and Korea, therefore, we hope this session be helpful to understand the pathophysiology and management of the common problems in pediatric critical care not only for pediatric intensivists, but for general intensivists.