○Motoshi Kainuma (Executive Supervisor of Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, and Intensive Care Division, Inazawa Municipal Hospital,)
The 18th Joint Scientific Congress of the JSICM and KSCCM
Poster 3(JKP3)
2018年2月22日(木) 14:00 〜 14:50 日韓コングレスポスター会場3 (幕張メッセ国際会議場3F 第5会場前)
Chair Yuri Sakaki(Nippon Medical School Hospital)
Suk-Kyung Hong(Division of Acute Care Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center)
○Sera Kim1, Mee Jin No1, Hee Ju Cho1, Young Park1, Kyung Eun Moon1, Soon Haeng Lee1, Mi Young Shim2 (1.Asan Medical Center, 2. Seoul Natinal University Hospital)
○Youngmi Lee, Sookhyun Park, Geeyoung Suh, Misook Oui, Sunmi Park, Soojin Jeong, Soowon Jung, Chulhyun Kim (Medical Intensive Care Unit, Samsung Medical Center)
○Ga Young Um (Seoul National University Hospital)
○Mimi Lee1, Myungsun Lee2, Miok Park1, Hana Kim, RN.1, Jinhee Yang1 (1.Department of Nursing, Seoul National University Hospital, 2.Seoul National University College of Nursing)
○Sera Kim, Jin Hee Hwang, Ae Ran, Soon Haeng Lee, Mi Kyung Jeon (Asan Medical Center)
○Jin-young Nam, Kyungmin Shin, Kyunghea Lee, Sunyoung Kim, Sunghee Kim, Hana Bang, Junghwa Hwang (Severance Cardiovascular Hospital, Coronary Care Unit)