
Presentation information

Scientific Paper

Palliation/Bone & Soft tissue

[OS1] Palliation/Bone & Soft tissue

Thu. May 18, 2017 9:00 AM - 9:54 AM Room4 (Okayama Prefectural Medical Association Office 4F Conference room 401)

座長:宮崎将也(群馬大学医学部附属病院 放射線部)

[一般演題1] Newly developed compression fractures at the treated level after percutaneous vertebroplasty.

帖佐啓吾1, 内藤晃1, 馬場康貴2, 粟井和夫2 (1.中国労災病院 放射線科, 2.広島大学病院 放射線診断科)

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