
Presentation information

Scientific Paper


[OS7] Urogenital2

Thu. May 18, 2017 9:45 AM - 10:30 AM Room5 (Okayama Convention Center 3F Conference room 301)

座長:清水勧一朗(東京慈恵会医科大学 附属柏病院 放射線科)

[一般演題7] Comparison of the blood tests and results at the left central adrenal vein and the common trunk of the left adrenal vein in adrenal venous sampling

安座間喜明1, 與儀彰1, 伊良波裕子1, 平安名常一1, 渡口真史1, 古賀友三2, 村山貞之1 (1.琉球大学医学部附属病院 放射線科, 2.中頭病院)

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