
Presentation information

Scientific Paper

Gastrointestinal Tract, Bile Duct & Pancreas

[OS8] Gastrointestinal tract, bile duct & pancreas1

Thu. May 18, 2017 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM Room5 (Okayama Convention Center 3F Conference room 301)

座長:中村恩(島根大学 医学部 放射線科)

3:09 PM - 3:18 PM

[一般演題8] Experimental and clinical investigation of percutaneous placement of covered multi- stent for malignant biliary obstruction

野畠浩司, 杉浦拓未, 川森康博, 堀地悌, 関宏恭, 北川清秀 (厚生連高岡病院放射線科)

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