
Presentation information

Scientific Paper


[OS19] Liver4

Fri. May 19, 2017 9:54 AM - 10:48 AM Room5 (Okayama Convention Center 3F Conference room 301)

座長:南哲弥(金沢大学附属病院 放射線科)

10:30 AM - 10:39 AM

[一般演題19] Balloon-occluded transcatheter arterial chemoembolization for large hepatocellular carcinoma nodule 7 cm or more in diameter: usefulness of cisplatin solution and fragmented Gelpart

入江敏之1, 倉持正志2, 内川容子2, 高橋信幸3 (1.水戸協同病院・放射線科, 2.日立総合病院・放射線科, 3.筑波記念病院・放射線科)

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