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Electronic Poster

Vein & Lymphatic Duct

[E-POS2] Vein & Lymphatic Duct

Sat. May 20, 2017 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Electronic Poster Viewing Area (Okayama Convention Center 1F Event hall)

[デジタルポスター_静脈/リンパ管] Management of vascular access-related central venous obstruction: indications, technique, procedure-related complications, and clinical outcome

濱本耕平1, 千葉英美子1, 松浦克彦1, 大河内知久1, 和田達矢2, 田中修1 (1.自治医科大学附属さいたま医療センター 放射線科, 2.彩の国東大宮メディカルセンター)

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