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Electronic Poster

Emergency, Non-trauma

[E-POS8] Emergency, Non-trauma

Fri. May 19, 2017 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Electronic Poster Viewing Area (Okayama Convention Center 1F Event hall)

[デジタルポスター_非外傷救急] Imipenem/cilastatin sodium(IPM/CS) as anembolic agent of transcatheter arterial embolization: The usefuleness for lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage

樫見文枝1, 西巻博2, 丸橋孝昭1, 山谷立大1, 古藤里佳1, ウッドハムス玲子1,3, 浅利靖1 (1.北里大学 医学部 救命救急医学, 2.聖マリアンナ医科大学 心臓血管外科, 3.北里大学病院 放射線診断科)

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