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Electronic Poster


[E-POS11] Liver

Sat. May 20, 2017 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM Electronic Poster Viewing Area (Okayama Convention Center 1F Event hall)

[デジタルポスター_肝臓] Two case reports of radiofrequency ablation in one procedure for recurrence in residual liver and extrahepatic metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma after hepatectomy

湯浅憲章1, 柴田敬典2, 安部智之2, 藤井重之2, 前田征洋2, 仙丸直人3 (1.製鉄記念室蘭病院 放射線科, 2.製鉄記念室蘭病院 消化器内科・血液腫瘍内科, 3.製鉄記念室蘭病院 外科)

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