The 21st Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering

Presentation information


[13B2] 一般セッション 「感性・心理分析」

Fri. Sep 13, 2019 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Auditorium B (Room 405, 4th Floor)


11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

[13B2-04] Research and application on ONSOU telling the KANSEI of language and technology to express

Technology to express and feel the image of words in ONSOU

*Takayuki Kidoshi1, Asami Ikeda1, Seigou Yasuda2, Masao Kasuga3 (1. Onso system institute, 2. New technology foundation, 3. Sakushingakuin Univ)

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