The 21st Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering

Presentation information


[13P] ポスター発表 (コアタイム2)

Fri. Sep 13, 2019 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM Poster presentation room P (401 and 402, 4th Floor) (401 and 402, 4th Floor)

3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

[13P-35] A proposal of a system to convert negative language sensitivity estimation to positive language.

*Daiki Tateoka1, Yuuki Ichimura1, Syun Yamakabe2, Ryohei Haraguchi2, Takahito Hoshino1, Naoto Sunaga2 (1. Social Health Promotion CO. LTD., 2. Sunaga Research Institute CO. LTD.)

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