The 24th Annual Meeting of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering

Presentation information

General session

[1A-1] Health & Safety

Wed. Aug 31, 2022 10:00 AM - 12:40 PM Room A (Zoom Meeting)

座長:吉岡 聖美(明星大学)

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM

[1A-1-07] Examination to feel the effect of imroving sporsperformance
by using a mouthpiece that is optimal for individuals

*satoshi soma1, masao kasuga1, takuro takechi2, yuichi hasegawa3, hiroaki hukuda4, katuyuki tunakawa4 (1. sakushin gakuin univesity, 2. Ltd.mirai dental planng comany, 3. hasegawamirai dental, 4. utunomiya city hall)

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