

Mini-Oral Session

[MO10] Mini-Oral Session 10 血液1(骨髄系腫瘍)

2022年2月17日(木) 14:45 〜 15:45 第7会場 (国立京都国際会館 1階 Room E)

司会:伊藤 薫樹(岩手医科大学医学部内科学講座血液腫瘍内科分野),小林 幸夫(国際医療福祉大学三田病院 医学部血液内科)

[MO10-5] JAK2/miR-21/PTEN axis- an important pathway in JAK2(V617F) positive myeloproliferative neoplasias

Mamta P Sumi1, Sameer A Guru2, Imtiyaz A Najar3, Abdul R Mir4, Alpana Saxena5 (1.Department of Inflammation and immunity, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA, 2.Department of Developmental and Systems Biology, Lurie Children's Hospital, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 3.Central University of Kashmir, Srinagar, 4.Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences, University of Tabuk, Saudi Arabia, 5.Department of Biochemistry, Hamdard Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, New Delhi, India)

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