2022 the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology Annual Meeting

Presentation information

Mini-Oral Session

[MO20] Mini-Oral Session 20 Translational Research / Clinical Pharmacology 3(Biomarker)

Fri. Feb 18, 2022 8:20 AM - 9:10 AM Room 4 (Room A, 2F, Kyoto International Conference Center)

Chair:Hiroshi Ishiguro(Breast Oncology Service, Saitama Medical University International Medical Center),Natsuko Chiba(Department of Cancer Biology, Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku University)

[MO20-1] Characterization of OASEP1 as a potential prognostic biomarker and therapeutic target for oral cancer

Atsushi Takano1,2,3, Yoshihiro Yoshitake4, Masanori Shinohara4, Yataro Daigo1,2,3 (1.Ctr. Antibody and Vaccine Ther, Inst. Med. Sci., Univ. of Tokyo, 2.Dep. Med. Oncol. & Cancer Ctr., Shiga Univ. Med. Sci., 3.Ctr. Advanced Med. against Cancer, Shiga Univ. of Med. Sci., 4.Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surg. Kumamoto Univ.)

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