JSMRM 2016, the 44th annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine

Presentation information


upper abdomen 2

Sat. Sep 10, 2016 10:20 AM - 11:00 AM Poster Room (Sonic City Building, B1F, Exhibition Hall No.2~No.5)

Organizer:Tomoaki Ichikawa(Saitama Medical University International Medical Center Department of Diagnostic Radiology)

[P-2-044] In vivo MR evaluation of gallstones using three dimensional ultra-short echo time imaging

Mamoru Takahashi1, Yasuo Takehara2, Norihiro Tooyama1, Katsutoshi Ichijo1, Tomoyasu Amano1, Takuya Matsumoto1, Tomoyuki Okuaki3, Yukiko Fukuma3, Harumi Sakahara4 (1.Seirei Mikatahara General Hospital, 2.Hamamatsu University Hospital, 3.Philips Electronics Japan, Ltd., 4.Hamamatsu University School of Medicine)

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