



2017年9月14日(木) 17:50 〜 18:50 第1会場 (栃木県総合文化センター 1F メインホール)

座長:タ キンキン(北海道大学病院 放射線診断科)


【ねらいと概要(Aims & Scope)】
The electric properties of human tissue (i.e., electric conductivity and permittivity) can be used as additional diagnostic parameters or might be helpful for the prediction of the local SAR during MR measurements. “Electric Properties Tomography” (EPT) derives the patient’s electric properties using a standard MR system and standard MR sequences, measuring the complex spatial transmit (TX) sensitivity distribution of the applied RF coil(s). Thus, EPT does not apply externally mounted electrodes, currents, or RF probes, as is the case in competing techniques. EPT is quantitative MR, i.e., it yields absolute values of conductivity and permittivity. Phantom experiments have proven the principle feasibility of EPT, and volunteer measurements underline its in vivo feasibility. Clinical studies have been started, particularly investigating brain and breast tumors, yielding first, encouraging results.