

KSMRM-JSMRM Joint Symposium

KSMRM-JSMRM Joint Symposium
Current Quantification Methods for Brain: Synthetic MR, MR Fingerprinting and QSM

2018年9月7日(金) 14:20 〜 16:00 第2会場 (ホテル日航金沢 4F 鶴の間B)

座長:Seung Hong Choi(Department of Radiolpgy, Seoul National University Hospital, Republic of Korea), 長縄 慎二(名古屋大学 大学院医学系研究科 量子医学)

[KJ-3] Synthetic MRI: A Promising Method to Obtain Imaging Biomarkers

Koung Mi Kang (Department of Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital , Republic of Korea)