The 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine


Fri. Sep 22, 2023

50 results  (31 - 40)

  • Oral Session

Fri. Sep 22, 2023 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM Room 6 (Karuizawa Prince Hotel West, Asama International Conference Hall F)

Chairs: Hiroko Satake(Department of Radiology, Nagoya University Hospital), Mami Iima(Institute for Advancement of Clinical and Translational Science, Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto University Hospital )

  • Oral Session

Fri. Sep 22, 2023 3:50 PM - 4:50 PM Room 5 (Karuizawa Prince Hotel West, Chikuma C)

Chairs: Toshihiko Aso(Laboratory for Brain Connectomics Imaging RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research), Junichi Hata(Graduate School of Human Health Sciences Tokyo Metropolitan University)

  • Oral Session

Fri. Sep 22, 2023 3:50 PM - 4:50 PM Room 6 (Karuizawa Prince Hotel West, Asama International Conference Hall F)

Chairs: Satoshi Goshima(Department of Radiology, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine), Yuko Nakamura(Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Hiroshima University)

  • Oral Session

Fri. Sep 22, 2023 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Room 5 (Karuizawa Prince Hotel West, Chikuma C)

Chairs: Yoichi Takakusagi(Institute for Quantum Life Science, National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology), Hideto Kuribayashi(Siemens Healthcare K.K.)

  • Oral Session

Fri. Sep 22, 2023 5:00 PM - 6:10 PM Room 6 (Karuizawa Prince Hotel West, Asama International Conference Hall F)

Chairs: Keitaro Sofue(Department of Radiology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine), Hiroyuki Akai(Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo)

  • Poster Session

Fri. Sep 22, 2023 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Poster 1 (Karuizawa Prince Hotel West, Asama International Conference Hall A-E)

Chairs: Naoyuki Takei(MR Applications and Workflow, GE HealthCare), Shota Ishida(Department of Radiological Technology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kyoto College of Medical Science)

  • Poster Session

Fri. Sep 22, 2023 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Poster 2 (Karuizawa Prince Hotel West, Nirenoki Hall 1)

Chairs: Harushi Mori(Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Jichi Medical University), Ryo Sato(The University of Tokyo Hospital, Radiology Center)

  • Poster Session

Fri. Sep 22, 2023 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM Poster 1 (Karuizawa Prince Hotel West, Asama International Conference Hall A-E)

Chairs: Tetsuya Wakayama(GE HealthCare), Tsuyoshi Ueyama(The University of Tokyo Hospital)

  • Poster Session

Fri. Sep 22, 2023 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM Poster 2 (Karuizawa Prince Hotel West, Nirenoki Hall 1)

Chairs: Nobuyuki Takeyama(Department of Radiology, School of Medicene, Showa University), Takeyuki Watadani(Department of Radiology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo)

  • Poster Session

Fri. Sep 22, 2023 3:50 PM - 4:50 PM Poster 1 (Karuizawa Prince Hotel West, Asama International Conference Hall A-E)

Chairs: Kei Yamada(Department of Radiology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine), Tomoko Maekawa(Department of Radiology, Juntendo University School of Medicine)