


英語プログラム » [特別企画]シンポジウム

シンポジウム3[分子イメージング] Multi-modality imaging -From basic principles to clinical applications-

2016年11月4日(金) 08:30 〜 11:30 第1会場 (1号館2階 センチュリーホール)

Moderator:Mikako Ogawa(Hokkaido University), Hirofumi Fujii(National Cancer Center)

[SP3-5] 5.Quantitative brain analysis of small animals using PET and histopathological analysis

Hiroshi Toyama1, Akinori Takenaka1, Hiromi Suzuki2, Kentaro Hatano3, Masanori Ichise4, Yuichi Kimura5, Robert Innis6, Makoto Sawada2, Kengo Ito7 (1.Department of Radiology, Fujita Health University 2.Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University 3.Tsukuba Advanced Imaging Center 4.National Institure of Radiological Sciences 5.Department of Computational Systems Biology, Kinki University 6.National Institute of Mental Health 7.National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology)

