Mahabubur Rahman1, Hiroshi Watabe2 (1.CYRIC, Tohoku University, 2.Professor, RPSC, CYRIC, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University, Japan)
[AOCNMB] Brain
AOCNMBプログラム » [AOCNMB] Poster
Brain 3
2017年10月5日(木) 13:30 〜 14:30 ポスター展示会場 (ホールA 展示ホール1F)
Chair: Manabu Tashiro(Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center (CYRIC), Tohoku University)
Tsehao Lee, Huang Wensheng (Department of nuclear medicine of Taipei veterans general hospital, Taiwan)
Jumpei Suyama1, Yoichi Katayama1, Akira Shinozuka2, Takehiko Gokan2, Hidetomo Murakami3, Kenjiro Ono3 (1.Faculty of Health Sciences, Shonan University of Health Sciences, 2.Dept.of Radiology, Showa University School of Medicine, 3.Division of Neurology, Dept.of Internal Medicine, Showa University School of Medicine)
SF Yao1, Ting CH1, Chu LS1, Lee CH1, Cheng CY2, Huang WS3 (1.Nuclear Medicine department, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan, 2.Tri-Service General Hospital, 3.Chi Mei Medical center)