Presentation information


JSNMT/ASNMT Program » Postgraduate Education Program

Postgraduate Education Program1 (Lecture for Nuclear Medicine Technologist : Brain)

Sat. Oct 7, 2017 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Conference Room 11 (503, Conference Center 5F)

Chair:Takashi Yamashita(Tokai University Hosltal), Yukito Maeda(Kagawa University Hospital)

[TSE1-01] 脳神経外科医による物忘れ外来 ― 認知症鑑別診断の難しさ

中根 一 (帝京大学 医学部附属溝口病院 脳神経外科)

You can find the password in the Program ("Information for Paticipants").
