Presentation information

[ASNMT Meeting]

JSNMT/ASNMT Program » ASNMT Meeting

The 7th ASNMT Poster Session

Fri. Oct 6, 2017 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Poster Exhibition Hall (Hall A, Exhibition Hall 1F)

[AS2AA-01] Short-time acquisition of the 123I brain perfusion SPECT with MEGP collimator using CDR correction

Takuya Umeki1、Takayuki Shibutani2、Shinsuke Konishi1、Seiki Nishino1、Kenichi Takenaka1 (1.Department of Radiological Technology, Fuchu Hospital、2.Department of Quantum Medical Technology, Kanazawa University)

You can find the password in the Program ("Information for Paticipants").
