

[AOCNMB] Imaging, Radiation

AOCNMBプログラム » [AOCNMB] Oral

Imaging, Radiation

2017年10月5日(木) 13:30 〜 14:20 第7会場 (414+415 会議センター4F)

Chair: Hiroshi Fukuda(Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University), Hussein Kartamihardja(Padjadjaran University, Bandung)

[BM1VIID-05] Radiation monitoring in a patient room with I-131 therapy

Karo Choeung1, Koudai Nishi2, Kouji Okuno3, Miwa Miura4, Naoki Matsuda4, Takashi Kudo2 (1.Department of Radioisotope Medicine, Nagasaki University, 2.Dept. of Radioisotope Medicine, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki Univ., 3.Dept. of Radiology, Nagasaki University Hospital., 4.Dept. of Radiation Biology and Protection, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki Univ.)

