Presentation information

[AOCNMB] Lung, Liver, Pancreas

AOCNMB Program » [AOCNMB] Oral

Lung, Liver, Pancreas

Thu. Oct 5, 2017 2:30 PM - 3:20 PM Conference Room 7 (414+415, Conference Center 4F)

Chair: June-Key Chung(Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine and Hospital), Raihan Hussain(Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Ultrasound, Dhaka)

[BM1VIIE-05] 99mTc-MDP Renal Parenchymal Retention on Bone Scan in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients

Muhammad Shahzad Afzal, Imran Muhammad Babar, Fatima Samen (Punjab Institute of Nuclear Medicine Cancer Hospital, Pakistan)

You can find the password in the Program ("Information for Paticipants").
