Presentation information

[AOCNMB] Thyroid, Breast

AOCNMB Program » [AOCNMB] Oral

Thyroid, Breast

Sat. Oct 7, 2017 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM Conference Room 7 (414+415, Conference Center 4F)

Chair: Mei Tian(Zhejiang University), Sze Ting Lee(Austin Hospital, Austrailia)

[BM3VIID-02] The Effect of FDG-PET/CT in Response of Breast Cancer Therapy

Mohsen Shoja1, Negin Hoseini1, Shima Saeedi1, Fateme Barfei1, Delaram Saeedi1, Mojtaba rokni2 (1.Faculty of Paramedicine, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran, 2.Department of Radiology, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran)

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