Presentation information

[JSNM] CNS: Analysis

JSNM Program » [JSNM] Oral

CNS: Analysis 2

Sat. Oct 7, 2017 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Conference Room 5 (311+312, Conference Center 3F)

Chair: Hitoshi Terada(Department of Radiology Toho University Sakura Medical Center), Nobuyuki Okamura(Tohoku Medical and Pharmaceutical University)

[MM3VB-06] Automated Machine Learning-Based Classification of Normal and Parkinson Disease for DatSCAN

Shogo Watanabe (Department of Computational Systems Biology, Fac of Biology-Oriented Sci and Tech, Kindai Univ)

You can find the password in the Program ("Information for Paticipants").
