
[JSMN]Small Animal

4 results  (1 - 4)

  • [JSMN]Small Animal
  • | Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Program
  • | [JSMN]Digital Poster (Oral)

Thu. Nov 15, 2018 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Digital Poster (Exhibition Hall 1F Booth3)

Chair:Kenji Hirata (Department of Nuclear Medicine, Hokkaido University)

  • [JSMN]Small Animal
  • | Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Program
  • | [JSMN]Digital Poster (Oral)

Thu. Nov 15, 2018 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM Digital Poster (Exhibition Hall 1F Booth3)

Chair:Hiroshi Toyama (Department of Radiology, Fujita Health University School of Medicine)

  • [JSMN]Small Animal
  • | Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Program
  • | [JSMN]Digital Poster (Oral)

Thu. Nov 15, 2018 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM Digital Poster (Exhibition Hall 1F Booth3)

Chair:Yusuke Inoue (Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Kitasato University School of Medicine)

  • [JSMN]Small Animal
  • | Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Program
  • | [JSMN]Digital Poster (Oral)

Fri. Nov 16, 2018 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM Digital Poster (Exhibition Hall 1F Booth6)

Chair:Manabu Tashiro (Cyclotoron and Radioisotope Center, Tohoku Univesity)