Presentation information

[JSNMT]Ra- Imaging, other

Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology Program » [JSNMT]Digital Poster (Oral)

Ra-223 Imaging, other

Thu. Nov 15, 2018 4:45 PM - 5:05 PM Digital Poster (Exhibition Hall 1F Booth4)

[T1B4G02] 223Ra-SPECT/CTにおける骨SPECT定量解析ソフトウェアを用いた定量性の精度評価

小室敦司, 加藤遼, 増子英教, 舟木一夫, 北島潔 (白河厚生総合病院)

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You can find the password in the Program ("Information for Paticipants").
