Presentation information

[JSNMT]Other General Analysis

Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology Program » [JSNMT]Digital Poster (Oral)

Other General Analysis

Thu. Nov 15, 2018 3:05 PM - 3:55 PM Digital Poster (Exhibition Hall 1F Booth6)

[T1B6F05] 分解能補正がSPECT/CTによる定量評価に与える影響

伊東瞬1, 冨田陽也1, 上桐章1, 牧浩昭1, 市川泰崇2, 佐久間肇2 (1.三重大学医学部附属病院中央放射線部, 2.三重大学医学部附病院放射線科)

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You can find the password in the Program ("Information for Paticipants").
