Presentation information

[JSNMT]Other General Analysis

Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology Program » [JSNMT]Digital Poster (Oral)

Other General Analysis

Thu. Nov 15, 2018 3:05 PM - 3:55 PM Digital Poster (Exhibition Hall 1F Booth6)

[T1B6F08] 複数エネルギーピークを持つ放射性核種を用いたSPECT定量の精度に関する検討

三井弘樹, 松友紀和, 山本智朗, 佐藤英介 (杏林大学保健学部診療放射線技術学科)

Abstract password authentication.
You can find the password in the Program ("Information for Paticipants").
