Presentation information


Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Program » JSNM Special Program (Case conference of clinical nuclear medicine)

JSNM Special Program (Case conference of clinical nuclear medicine)
Let’s use nuclear medicine ideas in case studies: facility opposition questions and answers. (using cases in which a nuclear medicine examination was the determinant of diagnosis).

Fri. Nov 1, 2019 1:20 PM - 3:50 PM Room2 (Matsuyama Multi-Purpose Community Center 3F Conference Room)

Chair:Yoshifumi Sugawara (National Hospital Organization Shikoku Cancer Center), Takashi Koyama (Kurashiki Central Hospital)

[MCC-3] Case 3

Question:Atsushi Yamamoto1
Answer:Masayuki Inubushi2
(1. Tokyo Women's Medical University Hospital, department of cardiology, and diagnostic imaging and nuclear medicine, 2. Division of Nuclear Medicine, Department of Radiology, Kawasaki Medical School)