[T3IIIC4] 心臓核医学検査担当技師の被ばく線量
Abstract password authentication.
You can find the password in the Program ("Information for Paticipants").
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology Program » [核医学技術]一般演題 口演
Sun. Nov 3, 2019 10:10 AM - 11:00 AM Room3 (Matsuyama Multi-Purpose Community Center 2F Meeting Room 1・2)
座長:井口 治巳(滋賀医科大学医学部附属病院 放射線部)、陰山 真吾(松江赤十字病院 放射線科部)
Abstract password authentication.
You can find the password in the Program ("Information for Paticipants").