
Presentation information


関連企画 » The 57th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine in Oncology and Immunology

The 57th Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine in Oncology and Immunology

Sat. Nov 14, 2020 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM Room2 (Kobe International Conference Center 3F 301)

Chair:Seigo Kinuya (Department of Nuclear Medicine, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan)
Chair:Seigo Kinuya (Department of Nuclear Medicine, Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan)

[MRN-2] Lung Transplantation in Japan and its role of Radiology

白石 武史1,2、宮原 聰1,2、早稲田 龍一1、當房 悦子2、佐藤 寿彦1、岩崎 昭憲1 (1. 福岡大学医学部 呼吸器乳腺内分泌小児外科、2. 福岡大学病院 臓器移植センター)

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