

[ブースNo.10] COMECER


Comecer is an Italian company that designs and builds systems and equipment for the safe treatment of radioactive substances used in Nuclear Medicine, guaranteeing minimum exposure to the operator, total decontamination and inalterability in any working condition. In particular, Comecer excels in the field of radiochemistry where, on behalf of large industrial groups or research institutes, it manufactures shielding systems for special applications. Comecer follows the product at every stage, from production to use in radiopharmaceutical laboratories and nuclear medicine facilities, certifies all its products, and all systems are tested and subjected to a wide range of validation tests according to the regulatory standards in force at the national, European and international level. In the Nuclear Medicine sector, Comecer’s products are used in the most advanced and prestigious research centres, universities, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies worldwide. The ability to build customised solutions for its customers is the basis of Comecer's success. With three production sites in Castel Bolognese, Siena (Italy) and Joure (Netherlands), and offices in Chicago (USA), Dubai (UAE), Mumbai (India) and Taipei (Taiwan), Comecer employs over 300 people and markets its products in over 100 countries through a direct sales network and some technological partnerships for the joint development of new products.
  • 担当部署

    Marketing & Communication Dept.

  • 住所

    Via Maestri del Lavoro 90, 48014 Castel Bolognese, Italy

  • Tel

    +39 0546 656353

  • Fax


  • Webサイト・SNS
