日本臨床神経生理学会学術大会 第50回記念大会



一般演題ポスター てんかん

[P14-25] 周産期虚血性脳卒中に続発したヒプスアリスミアにおけるてんかん性ネットワーク

鈴木皓晴1,2, 大坪宏2 (1.順天堂大学 てんかんセンター 脳神経外科, 2.The Hospital for Sick Children, Division of Neurology)

[Purpose]We hypothesized epileptogenic hemisphere in patients with infantile spasms(IS) secondary to perinatal arterial ischemic stroke in middle cerebral artery territory(PAIS-MCA) establishes pathological network generating hypsarrhythmia. [Methods]We selected interictal EEG during non-REM sleep in10-IS and 11-focal epilepsy(FE) patients, secondary to PAIS-MCA. We investigated Synchronization likelihood(SL) of inter- and intra-hemispheric connectivity.[Results]In IS, the intra-hemispheric SL in affected hemispheres were significantly stronger than in unaffected hemispheres. The inter-hemispheric SL in IS were significantly stronger than those in FE.[Conclusions]IS secondary to PAIS-MCA may have epileptic network in both inter- and intra-hemispheric connections to provoke hypsarrythmia.