

International Session

International Session 

2023年5月11日(木) 11:15 〜 12:15 第5会場 (ライトキューブ宇都宮 2F 大会議室202)

座長: 菅沼 成文(高知大学医学部環境医学教室)


[IS-1] Silicosis prevelence and Associated Factors Among High Risk Population Group in Viet Nam in 2018-2019

Pham Thi Quan1 (1.Department of Occupational Health, Hanoi Medical University)

2007-2013 Doctor Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam

2013-2016 Resident Doctor 38th, Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam

2020-2021 Master Hanoi Medical University, Vietnam

2017-present Lecturer Department of Occupational Health, School of Preventive medicine and public health, Hanoi Medical University, Ton That Tung Street, Hanoi City, Viet nam

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