The 48th Japanese Society of Oral Implantology

Presentation information



Sat. Sep 21, 2019 2:55 PM - 3:35 PM Room6 (福岡国際会議場 4F 411+412)

座長:木村 健二(関東・甲信越支部)

[O-1-6-14] Application of the laser leveler midline marker for making implant prosthesis

R FUJITA1, T ISII2, T OE2, T HARA2, M BAN3, M KAKIZAKI3, T MAIDA4, M OCHI5 (1.Tohoku-Hokkaido Branch, 2.Division of Dental Technician, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, 3.Division of Dental Technician, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido Hospital, 4.Department of Advanced Prosthodontics, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, 5.Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and Oral Implantology, Health Sciences University of Hokkaido)

Abstract password authentication.
The password is listed on page 14 of the abstract of the 49th Annual Meeting of JSOI.
