The 48th Japanese Society of Oral Implantology

Presentation information


シミュレーション,ガイデッド サージェリー,偶発症,高齢者,有病者,特異疾患

Sun. Sep 22, 2019 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM Room4 (福岡国際会議場 4F 404+405 +406)

座長:大谷 昌宏(みなとみらい(MM)インプラントアカデミー)

[O-2-4-15] A case report of implant placement with a bone augmentation for a patient with the sequelae of subarachnoid hemorrhage.

T MISAKI1, S SHIOJI1, A TAKAHASHI1, N FURUYA1, K ENAMI2, S TAKAHASHI1, H FURUYA1, Y YAMANISHI1 (1.Kanto-Koshinetsu Branch, 2.Chubu Branch)

Abstract password authentication.
The password is listed on page 14 of the abstract of the 49th Annual Meeting of JSOI.
