The 48th Japanese Society of Oral Implantology

Presentation information


ポスター発表 P-2

Sun. Sep 22, 2019 1:40 PM - 2:10 PM Poster (福岡サンパレスホテル&ホール 2F パレスルーム)

[P-2-34] Clinical application of hemostatic splint for the implant-supported full fixed prostheses undergoing vagus nerve stimulation therapy for intractable epilepsy

ポスター発表16 咬合,咀嚼,インプラント周囲炎,術式,外科処置
座長:舞田 健夫(北海道医療大学 口腔機能修復・再建学系高度先進補綴学)

F NAKAI, Y NAKAI, K TAKAKUNI, Y HOCHI, R MIYAZAKI, A IWASAKI, T OGAWA, M MIYAKE (Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University)

Abstract password authentication.
The password is listed on page 14 of the abstract of the 49th Annual Meeting of JSOI.
