The 48th Japanese Society of Oral Implantology

Presentation information


〜 Cooperation of the dentist and dental technician in the dental treatment 〜

Sun. Sep 22, 2019 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM Room2 (福岡国際会議場 3F メインホール)

Chair:Hirofumi Kido(Section of Oral Implantlogy, Fukuoka Dental College),Katsushi Nobayashi(Kyushu Branch)

共催:一般社団法人 日本デジタル歯科学会、特定非営利活動法人 日本顎咬合学会、日本顎顔面再建先進デジタルテクノロジー学会

[S6-1_S6-2] Seeking the Potential of Today’s All Ceramic Materials

Kazunori Otani1, Naoto Yuasa2 (1.Kanto-Koshinetsu Branch, 2.Otani Dental Clinic)

Abstract password authentication.
The password is listed on page 14 of the abstract of the 49th Annual Meeting of JSOI.
