The 64th Congress of the Japanese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons

Session information

Poster Presentation

Nervous System Disease

Poster Presentation 4
Nervous System Disease

Fri. Oct 25, 2019 2:10 PM - 2:40 PM Poster Room/ Exhibition (1F: Main Hall A, Entrance Hall)

座長: 佐々木研一(佐々木歯科・口腔顎顔面ケアクリニック)

SAISU Hironori1,2, KIMURA Taishi2,4, ASANO Takahiro3,4, YAJIMA Shousuke3,4, YAMAMOTO Yasuhiro5,6, ASODA Seiji4, UCHIDA Ikuhiro2, MURAOKA Wataru3,4 (1.Pain Center, Aichi Medical Univ., Aichi, Japan, 2.Dept. of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Hino Municipal Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, 3.Dept. of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Kawasaki Municipal Ida Hospital, Kanagawa, Japan, 4.Dept. of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, School of Medicine, Keio Univ., Tokyo, Japan, 5.Dept. of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Aichi Medical Univ., Aichi, Japan, 6.Hikita Dental Clinic, Aichi, Japan)